Sunday, December 5, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

 We spent Thanksgiving at the Care Center with my grandma Kettle. She has been there for almost 4 years now, we go have dinner with her every year. Olivia likes to go see her cause grandma gets so excited to see the kids. My brother is also there talking to her. 
 Justin, me, and my niece.
 My sister and her family came down from Kaysville to have Thanksgiving with us. My little brother and my dad are helping cut up the turkey.
 Grandma and some of her great grandkids. I think she has 45 or so.
 These are my mom and dad's grand kids. They are all there except for my older sisters 3 kids, they went to her husbands family for dinner. My parents have 19 grand kids. We all have so much fun when we get together. My little sister is the only one that lives far away, 4 out of 5 live in Ballard.
I had to post this pic cause it is so natural of how my kids really are. All I can do is just smile. Unfortunally Jason had to work Thanksgiving day, and could not have dinner with us. Don't worry he had plenty of left overs.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am so happy you have a blog! That last picture is so funny! Way cute jeans, by the way:)
