Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Heaven on Earth

I thought I would try to "blog" to let you know how we are doing. Here are some pics when we        chopped corn

Tractor and the bagger

truck and chopper
Justin later drove the big truck when we chopped 3rd crop hay I didn't get any pics,
he was sure excited to drive it.

Another tractor and trailer that hauled the corn in

Shane and his friend Bradi. She came out and played with Shane for a while.

 Jason in the Chopper

 Justin ran the bagger (a piece of equipment that puts the corn silage in the bag) He stayed home from school for 3 days to help Jason and I get it done. Jason was in the chopper and I drove along side. Gpa Ernie came up from California to help out too.

Shane is in kindergarten "all day"
He was king for a day. The class learned all about him that day.
He really likes school (other than catching the bus @ 6:35 every morning)

 Shane and me at the farm. He picked the ear of "field corn"to take
home to cook. Yum! Fortunately he forgot about it.

 Olivia on the other hand she likes to pick it up right
out of the field and eat it.
Jason shooting Justin's new shot gun (well new to him)

Justin trying it out. He's getting ready to go goose hunting.

Audree is our "monkey" she likes to climb on everything.

Now that Audree is 8 she can go to Activity Day. They had a
mother/daughter halloween party.
She went as a "mom" and I went as the "grandma"
it was alot of fun.

Audree is also learning to make hats on a loom for
the humanitarian projects.

Our baby girl is 3. Where has the time gone.
Olivia is such a good girl, always happy.
She wakes up happy, happy all day, and she is such a
"Daddys girl"

She got a new bike for her birthday, big brother Justin is trying to teach her how to ride the bike.

The puppies knocked Olivia down on the pavement, and she scraped her nose.
Thank heaven for band-aids, they make it all better.

Justin's new hobby is goose hunting. He has gotten quite a few. This goose has a band on it's leg (quite rare)
He had to call the number on the band and they are sending him some info. about the bird. He was pretty excited about that. Can't ya tell by the look on his face? :)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I'm so happy you started a blog! Now I can keep up with you better. I love your Halloween costume. Cute idea!
